The advantages of having guy friends:
- They don't play mind games
- They tend to have male friends which they might introduce you to if you're lucky, if you're not lucky they say "I'd never inflict you upon any of my friends... or even acquaintances for that matter." Yup, one of my friends (Mr Tech) actually said that to me last night, a few hours before rating me (totally unfairly) as a 5.6, I never asked him to rate me or be a bastard.
The disadvantages of having guy friends:
- There's always the possibility they might fancy you and one drunken night might ruin a perfectly good friendship.
- No-one will ever notice and comment on your new haircut/shoes/dress.
- You can't point out all the fit blokes in the bar.
- You will have to take a load of banter, more than the rest of the group if you're the only female. Expect references to the kitchen, sandwiches and poor parking.
- No other men will approach you because you're the only girl in a group of guys therefore you're either: a slut, a lesbian, a girlfriend to one of them, the girl they all feel protective over. (Even if you're none of these, the other guys in the bar will assume this.)
I seriously have no interesting stories from the past two weeks, not because I haven't been out, I've been out a few times, but because I've always been out with guys. I get looks, I get guys not being very subtle going "aye aye" to each other when I walk in, then they realise I'm followed by a stream of guys and BOOM! chances of them approaching me have just hit the floor. Okay, it's true, I'm not particularly good at being receptive to guys approaching me, but I need the opportunity to improve.
Enjoy your week and wish me luck x