
Saturday, 4 February 2012

Plans and Problems

Hey, so another Saturday and I’m in front of my TV again, but lacking the ice-cream and the power of the remote control. This week has been even more socially-void than last, which I hadn’t even realised was possible, but at least it gave me a chance to make some plans. Want to hear my (work in progress) list of things to do before I’m thirty? Okay, here they are:

  1. Skydive
    Shouldn't be too difficult to arrange, Mr Aviator has been talking about it for a while.
  2. Visit 2+ more of the 7 continents: þEurope þAfrica þN. America ¨S. America ¨Asia ¨Australia (et al) ¨Antartica
    It's a life-long ambition to visit (even briefly) all of the continents, so I feel by 30 I ought to be well on my way
  3. Go skinny-dipping
    Wanted things that are fun and realistic
  4. Find a man I want to spend the rest of my life with
    Then again I put something that is going to take a lot of work
  5. Scuba diving
    Would be fun
  6. Learn to drive
    Not really bothered about driving, but feel I probably should've done by the age of 30
  7. Have a home of my own
    I've always wanted to put my stamp on a place, want somewhere I can call mine.
  8. Bungee jumping
    Would looove to do this
  9. Swim with sharks
    Think of the adrenalin rush!
  10. Wake-up unable to remember the previous night
    Somehow I always remember the night before, no matter how drunk I get or how bad the hangover is.
  11. Get a tattoo?
    Not sure about this one, will I feel like a failure if I don't? Nope. But am tempted to get a little '42' somewhere discreet.
  12. Be much less vegetarian
    I'm currently a 'recovering vegetarian' In the last year I've gone from ovo-lacto-vegetarian to a pescetarian, and knowing how good bacon and ribs are I eventually want to be able to work my way up to eating pork again.
  13. Learn 'holiday' spanish
    I can speak a bit of French, enough German to get by, but my Spanish is almost non-existent so would like to learn enough to make holidays to Spanish-speaking countries easier.
  14. Try to break a world record at something
    Just so I could say I tried.
  15. Visit Paris
    Been to France many times, but never visited its capital. I really want to.
Less than 9 years to do these in! I better get started... and I think number 4 is going to take some time, so better start kissing some frogs to find my prince. (HA! the corniness of that made me laugh)   I'll let you know how my efforts on that front go eh?

The observant among you may have noticed I mentioned problems in the title of this post. I've got a couple but don't want to ramble and this post is long enough as it is. My most pressing problem is 'Mr Larper'. As his name suggests he's a massive geek, this in itself doesn't bother me, I've got loads of geeky friends and he's a very nice . The problem is I see him as a friend, I'm not attracted to him at all, but he definitely has a thing for me. He's been flirting online and as I'm naturally a little flirty, and I suppose just find it fun, I've kind of been encouraging him. *shame* Yes I know, it's bad of me. He wanted to meet up last week, but despite my insane boredom I got out of it, somehow. I need to make it clear I'm not interested whilst maintaining the banter of our conversations.

On an up-note the problem that was the situation with Mr Aviator is already on its death-bed, but I think the final nail in the coffin for that problem is that Mr Aviator is moving town tomorrow and getting a new job, so I won't be seeing him for a long while. Oooh! And I've discovered a way to appear offline to certain people on Facebook chat, so no desperate-sounding messages should be heading his way. Sorted. :)

This next week should be good, my friend 'Mr Film' is coming back from a month with his girlfriend, and the friend I mentioned last week ('Mr Argument' as I've just named him) moved into his new place today, so I'll probably see each of them this week.

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